Monday, November 29, 2010

My first market... successful and educational

Yesterday I attended the Mulgrave Makers Market. My first official market. It was amazing. The Market is run in the grounds of the Body Shop head office in Mulgrave, supported by the Body Shop with the added benefit of encouraging and supporting Bizness Babes to launch their businesses. I will post about this awesome initiative a little bit later on.
The weather was cold and wet with enough patches of non rain to make it an excellent day, with plenty of friendly faces.
Grant and I had to be there between 6am and 7am am to set up I opted for us to get there bang on 6am giving us two hours to set ourselves up, we needed it, we weren't rushed, it was lovely.
Before I go any further. Thank you Thank you Thank you Grant. My husband is an amazing man, I could not have done it without him yesterday.

My goal for the market yesterday was to see how things went. What people liked, what they didn't like, what they wanted more of, how I liked the market scene, etc.
So my day was highly successful.
I sold some pieces, made some friends and contacts and learnt what people's expectations are at markets as well as how to intereact with more than one person at a time. I still need some work on this as I tend to be a fully focus on one person at a time sort of person. Nothing wrong with that but everyone is important.

Some of our fun adventures included our stands being blown over in the wind,repeatedy, we ended up using duct tape to hold them down (thank you Sue, Champion of all things Mulgrave Makers Market), trying to understand the complex conversational skills of 3 year olds wanting to blow bubbles. Bubbles being blown straight back at us. Encoraging everyone including the very senior citizens that they needed to blow bubbles and succeeding. Talking enthusiastically with other button collectors and lovers about the joys of running your fingers through containers of buttons and layering them in jars for decoration. Meeting all the amazing stall holders and seeing what creative minds they have. We had this fabulous woman on one side of us with felt terrarium kits. I adore terrariums but tend to kill plants so this is my idea of perfection. On our other side was an equally fabulous and creative woman with an array of dainty and retro cards, magnets, clothes and all manner of items.
The one thing I found really hard was actually parting with some of my pieces. But that is the point of selling them so I smiled and got over it.
Actually my first sale was very exciting. This very lovely lady couldn't decide between two pieces, she settled on one and as I was putting it in a bag for her she decided she would have the other piece too. Big Happy Face.
Below is our stall.
We will be at the next Market on Sunday the 19th of December. Come see me, and blow some bubbles with me while you are there.
From my heart to yours


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