Monday, June 27, 2011


The very first Something Quirky Catalogue and home parties.

What could be better than trying on all your favourite pieces with your friends in your own loungeroom. Order pieces to your exact colour and length requirements, matching pieces and great hostess opportunities. Fast turn around (time between order time and delivery) and the joy of knowing your piece is made especially for you.
watch this space for further information and updates.

Meet My New Friends

Mother Nature Brooch $8

Mish's delight $30 pick you own colours.. add extra colours at $5 per colour extra

flower vine on kilt pin brooch $8

handbag brooches $8 each

Abstracted in red and gold $20

Abstracted in silver and blue $20

Abstracted in gold and black $20

A flower a day pink $25

A flower a day pale $25

A flower a day after dark $25

ageless brooch (on the top) $8
On Behalf of My husband and I necklace $35

Unmentionables $10

Just some of the new items I have made.
All my pieces can be made in a variety of colours and lengths to suit your needs.
Feel free to message me if you are interested.

Meet My Friends

Market update

Yesterday Mulgrave Makers Market (26th June 2011) had moved indoors for the winter. I discovered very quickly I am a space hog. I love having room to move so so going from a 3mx3m marquee to a 2mx2m (ish) space that allowed one table and one chair and thats all was quite a shock to this old gal.
But with some creative thinking and not putting everything out all went well.
And of course the first market indoors and it didnt rain a drop all day. But at least I was nice and warm and dry and out of the wind.
Not the flashest set up, but I managed to get it all going on. lol

Saturday, June 4, 2011

So long since I last posted

My friends I have been uber slack and not posted my goings on for months.
Have I been busy busy busy. Here's a recap.
Feburary was spent getting kids back into school and getting ready for Mulgrave Makers Market. Grant and I had fun as usual, it was soooo wet our tent reached saturation point and we sat in a fine mist.
March brought the news of a Debutante ball. So I began making an epic necklace for the very lovely Claire.
A lovely understated piece.
The March Makers Market saw my son Darcy attend with me for the first time. It was a load of fun.
April I was out for the count with bronchitis and shingles.
May brought with it the Makers Market with a change in our layout.

The making of the Debutante dress. And making a necklace for the mother of the Debutante, my best friend Mish.
followed by one for myself.

which brings us up to June... Winter.
New pics will be uploaded soon of all the new pieces available along with some very exciting news.
until then
from my heart to yours

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